The BRAMS Brazilian developments on the Regional Atmospheric Modelling System is a project originaly developed by ATMET, IME/USP, IAG/USP and CPTEC/INPE, funded by FINEP (Brazilian Funding Agency), aimed to produce a new version of RAMS tailored to the tropics. The main objective is to provide a single model to Brazilian Regional Weather Centers. The BRAMS/RAMS model is a multipurpose, numerical prediction model designed to simulate atmospheric circulations spanning in scale from hemispheric scales down to large eddy simulations (LES) of the planetary boundary layer. After the version 4.2 the code is developed only by CPTEC/INPE team developers. The BRAMS uses the Cathedral model, but code developed between releases is restricted to an exclusive group of software developers. The software is under CC-GNU GPL license and some parts of code may receives other restricted licenses. The BRAMS incorporate a tracer transport model and chemical model (CCATT) and becomes a unified version, BRAMS 5.x.